Exclusion Fence
Livestock exclusions use temporary or permanent fencing to control animal access to ponds, rivers and streams. Fencing livestock out of streams is a simple, cost-effective way for farmers to improve water quality on their farms. Fencing limits livestock access to the stream and its banks, providing a number of benefits to the herd, the farmer, and the land.
Livestock exclusions can improve animal health and reduce farm costs. For one, the limited stream and bank access reduces animal wastes and sediment in the water supply, thus improving livestock drinking water quality and potentially enhancing overall herd health. Weight gain may increase and milk and butterfat production may improve. Denying livestock access to streams and other water features removes them from contact with a wide range of bacteria and viruses, including those responsible for foot rot, bovine virus diarrhea, fever, tuberculosis, and environmental mastitis. Stream exclusion also prevents leg injuries that cattle may suffer on muddy banks. Finally, water quality improves when livestock are denied access to ponds, rivers and streams. In some cases, Vermont's Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs) may require livestock to be excluded from perennial streams.
A number of fencing options are available, depending on the type of livestock. Fencing may be woven wire, barbed wire, polywire, or single or multi-strand high tensile. Farmers considering enrolling in State or Federal cost-share programs should be aware that those agencies will cover only certain fencing types.
When farms install fence adjacent to a waterbody, they should consider Vermont’s RAPs on buffer width. VT RAPs require a perennially vegetated buffer of a minimum of 25 feet in width between a water body and annual crop land; potentially more in severe cases.
Exclusion fencing must be maintained. Farmers should check fences regularly and address repairs as soon as possible.
Where exclusion fencing denies livestock former access to drinking water, alternative water facilities must be supplied.