Streamside Tree-Planting


Streamside tree-plantings, also known as riparian forest buffers, establish trees and shrubs alongside waterways to help remove nutrients, sediment, organic matter, pesticides, and other pollutants from surface runoff and subsurface flow. These types of buffers are very similar to what would naturally occur near a river and are a preferred method of protecting water quality. 

Streamside planting in the off-season in Franklin County (FCNRCD).


Riparian forest buffers serve many important functions. They capture sediment and filter runoff (e.g. pesticides and fertilizers) from agricultural fields. They can also shelter crop fields from wind. The trees provide high quality fish and wildlife habitat by shading the stream, creating cover and food resources, and connecting travel corridors. Finally, forested buffers increase the “roughness” alongside a watercourse, slowing floodwater flows, capturing sediments and nutrients, and reducing streambank erosion rates. 


Buffers widths vary depending on the stability of the river and the management considerations for the cropland or pasture, but a minimum 35 foot average buffer is needed to accomplish the goals of filtering nutrients and protecting riverbanks from erosion. Site preparation and planting is typically done in the spring or fall to best ensure plant growth and survival, when soil moisture is most adequate for establishment and trees are dormant. Species selected for planting should be suited to site conditions and intended uses, and have the capacity to achieve adequate density and vigor within an appropriate period to stabilize the site. Only high quality, native or adapted planting stock should be used. Vermont's Designated Noxious Weeds are not allowed

There are many programs available that fully cover the cost of installing a forested riparian buffer. One option, the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), even provides incentive and rental payments for the loss of agricultural land. Contact your local Conservation District if you're interested in learning more. 

Read the VT NRCS Riparian Forest Buffer Practice Standard here