No-Till Planting
No-till planting falls within the broader category of "conservation tillage," which also includes "reduced tillage." Conservation tillage is a method used to plant and grow a crop while leaving a year-round cover of living or residual plant material on the field. As opposed to conventional plowing and seed bed preparation, conservation tillage limits soil disturbances to only those necessary to place nutrients and plant crops. Practices known as no-till, strip-till, ridge-till, and mulch-till are different methods of conservation tillage and managing residue. In a no-till or direct seeding system, plants are grown directly in residue with no full-width tillage. These systems often use manure injection equipment to amend the soils.
Living and residual plant material in a no-till corn field (FCNRCD).
Conservation tillage boosts soil organic matter, soil tilth, infiltration, and the soil's water holding capacity which may all together improve crop yields. Conventional tillage leaves the soil surface bare, increasing erosion and sediment and nutrient losses. Conventional tillage can also create a so-called “plow pan,” a zone of compaction which roots can barely penetrate. With conservation tillage, farmers leave much of the soil and crop residue intact, reducing compaction caused by plowing and minimizing erosion. These techniques reduce nitrous oxide emissions and create a more natural soil profile with improved nutrient cycling, water retention, soil biology, and aeration. Conservation tillage may require less time on the tractor and offer savings in labor, fuel, and equipment maintenance costs.
Conservation tillage is practical for any farmer who grows annual crops though it often requires the use of equipment customized for the practice. This may include devices such as no-till or strip-till planters or drills, strip-type fertilizer applicators, in-row chisels, coulters, sweeps, aeration tillers, and others. Where low-residue crops such as silage corn are grown, a fall-planted cover crop may be necessary to protect the soil surface from erosion. Fall-planted cover crops also provide a number of agronomic benefits and should be considered for those reasons as well.